Thanks to the technical experts of NovoQuad, ND-SV003 See Through Wall Radar System has been updated with strong function, that is not only the down-range versus cross-range image, but also the static versus dynamic image of all moving targets could be showed at the video frame rate of the system.
To get this strong function into the system purchased by local government agency, NovoQuad team were invited to debug and update the system on February 16, 2017. After testing, the software was updated to realize the strong function and the original monitoring module of the hardware was replaced by two monitoring modules for more advanced features. The officers appreciated the timely and professional after-sales service of NovoQuad team, and also admired the advanced technology research and development capabilities of NovoQuad team.
Besides, the functions and operation procedures of ND-BU001 Standard Anti-Drone System, which is one of the most popular products of NovoQuad, was demonstrated. Further, potential demands on this system were discussed.